From Time of Pain to Healed
July 2013
In the year of 2013, I was living with my dad and his wife in Georgia and was working at McDonald's; I had just turned 20-years-old a few months before hand. Anyways, I had just came home from work one day, got on my laptop, and started looking up free dating sites. I found one and signed up; after the course of just a few days I had guys asking me things and wanting nasty pictures of me. I talked to them, went on a couple of dates; but they didn't work out. Until one day, I had a message from a guy who "was" different than the rest of them; well he was different like he said he was. Except that he made me think that my parents were treating me like a slave and etc. So, he convinced me to move out of their place and to move in with him; than he made me file a restraining order against my father over something that he thought happened in that house. Than we got stabbed in the back by his roommate after we had helped her out; so we moved to North Carolina with my family( little brother,little sister, g-ma, and mom); shortly after we had been up here for a few weeks(almost a month) he was arrested for not asking permission to leave the state because he was out on bail. I cried for a long time after he left, than I stopped and started living my life again.
December 2013-February 2015
Shortly after the guy I was with was sent to prison, I was just playing around on my computer, when I had a friends' request on a video-chatting thing on my computer from a guy that I didn't know. Before I accepted it, I sent a message asking who he was and how he found me; I didn't get a response until the next evening. He told me that he knew me from school and found me by asking a friend that was one of my friends on the video-chatting thing. I didn't know how to respond at first, but than we just started chatting and became friends at first. After just being friends for a couple of months, we told each other that we really liked each other; we dated and had a long-distance relationship. Than come July of 2014, he asked me to move to Florida with him; I said yes and lost my family and friends because of it. I've burned a lot of bridges between these two guys; but I've learned my lesson. Anyways, everything was going good until one night, we were both busy on our phones both watching Netflix, when I was trying to get his attention to see if he was thirsty or anything; when he got mad for no reason and hit me in the mouth. I was bleeding from my mouth(he knocked my two top teeth out) and I told him that I needed to be taken to the hospital but he didn't want to go wake up his dad because he knew that when I told them at the hospital what happened, he would've been arrested. So instead, while he was at school, I contacted my parents and told them what happened; they asked for my username name on another video-chatting thing and I showed them what happened; than next thing I knew I was on a bus heading home to them in Georgia before heading to North Carolina.I will say this though, I am happy that my family helped me get out of an abusive relationship and back to where I was happy again.
June/July 2015-Now
Okay so I'm back in North Carolina and now it's June of 2015; now I had dated a few guys before I had gotten with this guy who used to be a friend of mine's boyfriend; but we weren't really friends at all. Anyways, he wrote me and said that from the time he met me a couple years prior, he liked me. Well I believed him(like I had believed the first two) and we dated from after father's day up to after July 4th. We broke up on July 6th, because he was out with his ex-girlfriend; I had tried getting a hold of him but he didn't answer so, I told him that he better choose and he choose her. So, I moved back home and cried for a couple of days; than I downloaded an app on my phone for dating and started talking to this guy who was working with my little brother. He told me that he has been chasing me for an entire year and only knew what he was told about me; so we started talking more and more, we talked on the dating site for about two weeks before we saw each other in person. My little brother and his wife, knew him and asked him if he wanted to meet somewhere and than asked me to go with them. I went with them and we met him at the store, than we went out to eat at a local pizza place, before heading across the parking lot to the store and than back to the house to watch a movie; he bought my lunch and my snack for the movie, I didn't ask him to but he did. That is one of the things that was telling me that he's different; and he IS different! So basically after that evening, I knew that he was a blessing in my life; he had saved me from myself because I was starting to go down a dark path; but now I am really happy and wouldn't do anything to change it. Except that I made a huge mistake and it almost costed me my relationship and child before she was born. I cheated on my fiancee by talking to my ex-boyfriend who had abused me and I almost lost everything because of my stupid mistake; I regret it and keep telling myself to move forward not backward and to look into the future. We have a wonderful and amazing daughter and she's apart of both of us and no one can take that fm us either.
April 12th-April 18th,2016
It all started on my 23rd birthday; I started having real bad contractions and this was while I was at work none the less. I was working a 9:30am-5pm shift, but it had to be cut short because they were getting real bad where I couldn't move. So I, texted my fiancee and told him that she might be coming and than I told my manager who helped me to the lobby until he got there. We were at the hospital from 3pm that afternoon to 7pm that eveing; and all it was, was braxton hicks. Basically I was in false labor; but a few days later I had some white mucus come out and I had a feeling that she was coming soon. Well, on Sunday the 17th of April at 6:30am, I had just gotten out of the shower and was finishing getting ready for work, when I felt something running down my leg; it turns out my water had broke and it was time for her to come into the world. So, I woke up my fiancee(well I had to wake him up anyways,lol) and I told him and showed him what was happening; he looked at me like "OMG it's really happening this time". He quickly hopped outta bed, got dressed, and helped me to the car; I pulled up my work's number and had him call them because I was hurting so bad that I couldn't speak. Well what I could hear, was that one of my managers was not happy and I know why; it was because I was supposed to come in and help open I was supposed to work 7am that morning until 3pm that afternoon. Anyways, we got to the hospital and they did a couple tests to make sure my water did break and to see if I was dilating any; well my water did break and I wasn't dilating any but they decided to keep me over night though. They moved us to a room that morning where come 14 hours later, our daughter would be coming into the world; every so often a nurse would come in to check on me, check my vitals, and to see how my contractions were plus to see if I was dilating any. Later that night, a doctor comes in and places a small...well the smallest pill into my cervix to soften it up some; well it did just that because I couldn't sleep at all that night; I only got a very small amount of sleep; my fiancee was there for me and helped me throughout the night and I know that he didn't get much sleep either because he was being woken up by me screaming in pain.
The next day, my contractions kept getting worse and worse; plus I was starting to dilate as well so, the nurses came in abut noon and started prepping everything because around 1pm, my doctor came in along with a few nurses and asked if I was ready; now let me remind you that I have wires everywhere on me(an IV, an epidural, and things tracking my contractions with her heartbeat).
I was in labor from one o'clock that afternoon until 1:49pm; now while I was pushing, her head popped(I felt it a little bit)and the nurses asked me if I wanted to touch the top of her head; I shook my head yes; they guided my hand down to her head and I about lost it, but my fiancee told me to wait until she's here with us. Well, just a short moments later, she was born and was placed on my chest where I had lost it. I was and am so happy that she is here. We didn't come home until Wednesday afternoon on April 20th,2016,
after she was born
Daddy's little monkey butt
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