Life is Hard

Life is hard as it is, but life as a mom of two girls and working is even harder. Between working and taking care of our two girls(2-years-old and newborn), there’s housework on top of all that. Don’t get me started on bills and groceries,lol; anyways what can I say, life has it’s good moments. Except life has the worst timing for somethings; our first child, was an easy pregnancy and birth. Our second child, well let’s just say I had issues throughout the entire pregnancy which led to an emergency c-section. 

Having a c-section scared me at first, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was and or have seen on TV. Leading up to the c-section, I had a dizzy spell at the doctor’s office which led to an ambulance being called and me ending up in the hospital for over night observation because the baby’s heart rate dropped. I was out of the hospital for one night, before I had to go back the next night because I thought my water broke. I was supposed to go home the next night because my water didn’t break and everything looked fine,except the baby’s heart rate dropped again. So,I had to stay in the hospital for another night; I had a feeling that I would probably have to have a c-section but didn’t know when. 

Well the following day, an ultrasound tech came into the room to check on the baby and to make sure everything was okay; well I could tell that something wasn’t right when I looked at the screen. The baby was breeched and wasn’t getting enough oxygen; I had to wait for the doctor to look at the ultrasound and to determine what the next step was. Yup! The next step was, to have an emergency c-section. After the doctor left the room, I lost it. I mean when I say that I lost it, I really do mean that I lost it; I cried so bad that I kept trying to calm myself down to not make matters worse. I called my husband to explain what was going on, than I called my dad/mama, next was my mom along with my sisters.I prayed that everything was going to be okay; I turned to one of my favorite country music artist: Carrie Underwood. I went on YouTube and typed in her lasted song: “Cry Pretty” off her album ‘Cry Pretty’. Yes I did continue to cry, but the song kept me calm until my husband and family arrived.

My husband arrived just in time, they were about to take me downstairs to the operating room to get me setup for the doctor. My mom and sisters had to go to the waiting room; but after the operation, my husband went out to the waiting room to let them know how everything went; than he came back into the recovery room. We thought that our newborn(born at 35 weeks and 4 days) had to go into the NICU, but she was only in there for about five minutes. Our second child was born on December 31st,2018 at 2:59pm weighing 4lbs 9oz 17in long in Cabarrus County,North Carolina. We named her Savanna Grace Dillon. 

Our first child, her name is Serenity Elizabeth Dillon(2-years-old, 3 in April) she loves being a big sister. She tries to help us out by bringing us a diaper with the wipes, grabbing her sister’s bottle aka baba, her pacifier, spit-up wag, etc. Serenity is always giving her little sister a kiss or trying to hold her hand; she is even asking to hold her sissy all the time,lol(which is too cute). Serenity was born on April 18th,2016 at 1:49pm weighing 5lbs 3oz 17 1/4in long in Stanly County, North Carolina. She has my eye color and hair color;Savanna on the other hand,has my husband’s hair color(don’t know what color eyes yet). 

When Savanna was born she problems with her temperature staying where it needed to be and she wasn’t eating well. So, she had to go back to the hospital(her pediatrician admitted her) for observation for her temperature; my husband stayed home with our oldest while I stayed with our youngest at the hospital. Savanna was sent home the next day after her temperature was starting to stay where it needed to be. Her temperature is regulating good and she’s eating anywhere between 3oz-5oz every 2-3 hours(sometimes 4 hours). Yes we’re going through diapers like candy,lol; but we’re fighting our oldest to get potty trained. 

Raising to girls is hard, but I love being their mom. 

Now it’s time to tell you about my husband and I.My husband’s name is Timothy Allen Dillon Jr. aka TJ was born on August 3rd,1989 in West Virginia(I don’t know all his birth details). I, Amber Nicole Dillon(my maiden name was Bruner) was born on April 12th,1993 at 4:12pm in Lakeland,Florida(I don’t know all my birth details). I’m not gonna give our full backgrounds, but he had a rough childhood and I had a complicated one. We met the first time in 2014,when he was working at McDonald’s but I acted shy and was with someone at the time(no details but that guy was not a good fit for me). I than dated a few other guys after that until, July of 2015. TJ was still working for McDonald’s, but we actually met on a dating app called “POF” which stands for ‘Plenty of Fish’. We chatted for a couple of weeks, until one night I showed my sister-in-law his picture; she recognized him because he was her friend and texted her husband(my brother). Next thing I knew, I was sitting inside McDonald’s around 2am. 

TJ and I talked for a couple hours, we went across the parking lot to Wal-Mart; we walked around a little bit and talked. After that, I went home; we continued to talk by texting back and forth all night until we fell asleep. A few days later, I gave him my number and how to find me on Facebook; he did the same. TJ even came over every day; I was with someone through all this. One day he had had enough and I had to choose, I made my decision on July 18th,2015; I chose him, but to make it official I asked my brother to drive me up there. I told him that I chose him and I had blocked the other guy so that he couldn’t contact me anymore. 

A few months later, we ended in the hospital on September 11th,2015 to find out that we were having a baby together. TJ proposed to me a few times, but he was really romantic one night after work. He came home after pushing carts outside in the heat all day, he got on one knee and said a lot of romantic things(I basically told him that I didn’t know what I wanted). Anyways, shortly after we got engaged and before we even knew it, Serenity was born. Shortly a few months later, on August 1st,2016 we got married. It was a beautiful wedding, my dad ordained us; we were surrounded by family,friends,and co-workers. We got married when our oldest was about 4-months-old.

Anyways,throughout this journey of life, I am happy that I get to go down this path with my beautiful girls and my amazing husband. I wouldn’t do anything to change it either. 


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