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New Things

Do you ever feel like, you have done everything and nothing has happened? Or you'll pray, and pray and hope that your prayers are answered? Except they never are; well my prayers are starting to be answered. In this blog post, I am going to explain how mine are but there have been some draw backs.

In my past blogs, I have told you that I have two wonderful beautiful little girls and plus that I am married to an amazing husband and father to the girls. I wasn't working because I had a baby(a month early) and plus that my previous jobs haven't worked out for my husband and I because of his work schedule. Well this year, I believe that I have landed a job where not only I make more money and be home with my family more; but where I can challenge myself as well. I will be a room attendant making $13 per hour at a hotel, I will be getting off work at a decent hour, where I can come home and cook dinner(my family won't be eating frozen/canned goods no more). My sisters have agreed to help watch our girls while we're at work, the catch is that I buy them a carmel frappe from McDonald's; so everything is starting to fall into place. The next thing for my husband and I is to go back to school; I want to be a medical assistant in the pediatric field and my husband is still trying to figure out what he wants to do. 

Lately, I have been listening to one of my favorite boy bands, BSB(Backstreet Boys). Here recently, I did a lip sync cover of one of their songs, "Permanent Stain"(link is below at the end of the blog). Anyways, since I have been listening to them(BSB), I feel like I am fifteen again but also it has been making me feel like myself. When listening to BSB, brings back both good and bad memories; like my old friend and I(my childhood friend) we used to dance to their music, but we would make it contest. BSB new music has made me happy because when listening to one of their songs, I look at my husband, smile and get the feeling where I am happy to be his wife and the mother of his children. For example, "No Place" from their 'DNA' album, I sing this loud and proud because both my husband and my girls there is no place without them. Being a mom of two girls is a challenge; it is nothing like what they show on TV. 

I will say this, having a new born and a toddler is a challenge in it's self because after you get one asleep, you have to fight the other one tooth and nail to go to sleep. Our toddler, Serenity(who will be 3 in April), we have to fight her every night to go to sleep and to be quiet to not try and wake up her little sister, Savanna. 

Besides writing these blogs, go check out my YouTube channel where I do vblogs as well. My channel contains vblogs and lip sync videos; the link is below. Enjoy and please if you can like, subscribe, and comment. 

Thank you for reading.


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